Flickr's Best Portraits of 2019 + Recent Galleries

Flickr Best Portrait

Something pretty neat happened to me recently -- One of my photos was placed in the ‘top portraits of 2019’ album curated by Flickr. Flickr is a leading photo sharing website among photographers. A couple weeks ago, they announced they were holding a contest for best photo of the year. I submitted the photo to the right, and it made its way to the front page of Flickr. Overnight, it was viewed by over 30,000 people! As of 12/22/2019, the photo has received over 94,000 views! I may not have won best picture of the year, but being placed in an album of top portraits of 2019 is an incredible honor. What’s funny is that the picture wasn’t actually shot by me. Ashley took the photo. So after taking photos for five years, the picture that I’m now best known for is a photo of me, rather than a photo taken by me. Go figure

Below you can find a collection of my most recent photos. (1) The first set is from my trip to New Mexico and Colorado. I traveled with my friend, Reed, where we visited three national parks and a couple of other state parks. (2) The next set contains photos from Dominic’s first Christmas. (3) The last set contains photos from a gender reveal party I was hired to photograph.

Thanks for viewing and Happy Holidays!!

New Mexico + Colorado

Dominic’s First Christmas

Gender Reveal Party

Bryan Webb