Posts tagged Mount Rainier
Oregon + Washington - August 2020

I can’t believe it’s already September…Nine months into the year and this is only the second time updating my blog. My excuse is a combination of laziness and lack of photos. Before my trip, I couldn’t remember the last time this year I picked up my camera. In these strange times, event gigs are non-existent and my motivation to shoot, even just for fun, is at an all time low.

Despite all this, Ashley and I were able to book a trip to the Pacific Northwest recently. It was a trip unlike any with dealing with Covid-19. We were extremely careful throughout the trip and quarantined afterwards for two weeks. The trip itself was five days long, starting in Seattle, taking us to the Oregon Coast, through Portland to Mount Hood, and finally, to Mount Rainier. We spent hours messing with our itinerary and it turned into an incredible journey. We highly recommend the trip if you’re considering exploring the Pacific Northwest!

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