High Contrast in Black and White Photos

When I decided to create this website, I took a look back at all my photographs. This allowed me the chance to criticize my own photos and revisit many of my prior editing techniques. One thing I found I could improve on was my editing of black and white photographs. I noticed that many of my b&w's were too grey and flat; just not all that appealing. I decided to re-edit some of my b&w's and found that boosting the photos' contrast made them pop out more. Here's a before and after shot of the same photo, just tweaking the contrast slider between them



I believe the boosted contrast in the 'after' photo produces a much stronger image. The whites in the image are more crisp and the blacks are deeper and fuller. The 'before' picture, in my opinion, has a washed out feel to it. In the past, I wouldn't mess around too much with the contrast slider, but now I realize the value the slider holds. Let me know what you guys think! Which photograph do you prefer?