Bryan Webb Photography

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Oregon + Washington - August 2020

Haystack Rock on Cannon Beach. It was a cloudy sunrise, but the sun poked through the clouds for a brief moment. This picture is composed of 18 individual images.

Looking over at Haystack Rock. On the way to this spot, Ashley got water in her boots and was not happy walking barefoot the rest of the way.

Ashley wrapped in her Pendleton-REI blanket in between rocks on the beach.

Tillamook Creamery is known for their creamy ice cream and cheeses. Had to make a quick stop.

Surfer ready to catch some waves at Cape Kiwanda in Pacific City, OR.

Long exposure near Abiqua Falls.

We ended up veering off from the beaten path and navigating our way through the river on the rocks. We made the hike a lot harder than it needed to be.

Abiqua Falls. Amazing end to a fun little hike.

We stopped to take some pictures on a road out from the hike. A park ranger stopped near us and thought we were up to no good.

Woke up at 4am to reach Trillium Lake for sunrise. Sadly, Mt. Hood was covered by clouds and didn’t peak out until well past sunrise. Still an unreal sight.

It was a cold morning, so we dressed as cozy as possible.

After Trillium Lake, we drove to Lost Lake. We paddle-boated and rested while waiting for sunset. Probably my favorite picture from the trip. This is 15 pictures stitched together to form one image.

We visited Mt. Rainier National Park for a full day. We hiked the Burroughs Mountain Trail to the 2nd Burroughs. Mt. Rainier is incredibly beautiful. This picture was my most ambitious of the trip. It’s composed of 36(!) individual pictures. My only regret is not waiting for sunset to capture the massive stratovolcano.

Celebrating reaching the top of the 2nd Burroughs.

Took a quick picture of these two hikers, who were just starting their trek up the mountain.

As I was prepping to take this picture, a group walked past us and one guy said, “not sure why you’re taking a picture of that.” I was confused and upset. I guess in his mind, the only thing worth viewing was Mt. Rainier. His loss I suppose.

Last shot from Mt. Rainier. A surreal view from Sunrise Point.

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Check out our latest acro-yoga video! We didn’t practice much beforehand, so we’re a bit shaky…but the views are worth the watch alone.